The Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry of

Jack Manor

"Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed" (1 Pt. 2:6).

My Story

Educational Background: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Civil Engineering 1985, MS State University; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) 2001, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) 2012, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Ministry Background: Interim Pastor, Darlove Baptist Church, Hollandale, MS August 1996-November 1998; Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Louisville, MS November 1998-June 2003; Pastor, Dow Southern Baptist Church, Dow, IL June 2003-September 2004; Pastor, Williamsville Bapist Church March 2006-October 2006; Planting Pastor, Harvest Point Baptist Church April 2007-June 2015; Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lexington, MS June 2010- February 2012; Planting Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church, Lexington, MS March 2012-June 2015; Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Greenville, MS July 2015-Present; Executive Director, 1P26 Ministries Inc, Hollandale, MS March 2018-Present.

Spiritual Gifts: The following gifts have been evidenced in my life: Preaching/Teaching, Evangelism, and Leadership. I continue to nurture, grow, and increase these gifts for the glory of God.

My Story: I was raised in a strict, loving home with high standards for conduct and achievement. We did not attend church and the only prayers took place at meal time. At the age of twelve, I knew that I needed God in my life and that I should be attending church; however, I ignored these promptings and ran from God. At the age of 26, after attending church for a few months with my father (who had re-dedicated his life to Christ and had been attending church for a couple of years), I experienced a radical conversion/salvation having surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. A few months later at an evangelism conference, I understood God's call on my life to preach the gospel of Christ. Surrendering to the gospel ministry at that conference and later making this call public in my home church, I have been faithfully pursuing that call ever since.

Things I Love to Do: Helping my children succeed in whatever they do; playing and watching basketball; reading and learning; watching the sun rise and set; talking about Jesus; helping people grow in their Christian faith; being present at the moment a person is born-again through repentance of sin and faith in Christ.

Recent Books I've Read and Learned From: The Trivialization of God by Donald McCullough; Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin by Cornelius Plantinga; Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard J. Foster; Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard; Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome by Kent & Barbara Hughes; Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership by Aubrey Malphurs; The Peace Making Pastor by Alfred Poirier; Pastors at Greater Risk by H. B London and Neil B. Wiseman; Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict by George W. Bullard Jr.; Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict by Kenneth C. Haugk; The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard; A Godward Life: Savoring the Supremacy of God in all of Life by John Piper; The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee; The Green Letters: Principles of Spiritual Growth by Miles J. Stanford; Gospel Reset: Salvation Made Relevant by Ken Ham

I Hope Heaven Includes: All my immediate and extended family members; every person I've personally shared the gospel with who prayed to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior (in other words, I hope each was sincere in his and her commitment to Christ); all the people I've had the privilege to preach to and pastor; every person who has taught me and impacted my life in some way; and, of course, enough basketball courts so we can all play.

Favorite Old Testament Book: Exodus-- it's the story of God's absolute power to redeem people who are without hope.

Favorite New Testament Book: That's a hard one-- Romans, maybe, but I also love Philemon because it shows me the extent to which God loves and reaches out for the least of all people like me.

Favorite Bible Verse: I have two: Proverbs 11:30-- "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls," and Romans 8:28-- "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Dumbest Thing I've Ever Done: Too many to count, but the worst is, without a doubt, living for 26 years without Jesus Christ being my Lord and Savior.

Jack Manor

Age: 62; Married: 37 years; Children: three